Saturday, March 28, 2020

SOL20 Day 28

I talked to my father on the phone today. For those who know me, that isn’t something I do very often. I wasn’t expecting him to call today; he usually only calls on birthdays and major holidays. These phone calls don’t usually leave me in a very good place mentally or emotionally. Today's call wasn’t any different. 

The call typically starts civil. He asks about the weather or in today's case how we are handling this Covid virus. Then he asked me about work. I let him know my job has been closed due to the virus. His response is exactly what I expected. He said “you better get another job then,” as if I am not aware of my current situation. 

I cut the small talk short. I guess I just didn’t want to hear it today. I asked him why he called. He informed me that he was not going to fly down and be at the birth of my niece (she is due to arrive early in June). Again, I was not surprised. He only called to tell me so I would tell my brother. I was so angry that words wouldn’t come out so I just hung up on him. What do I say to that? I don’t know how to tell my brother. He isn’t going to be surprised either but he is going to be upset.

1 comment:

SOL20 Day 31

Today is the last day of the Slice of Life Challenge. For me this is a huge accomplishment. Thirty one days of writing by choice. I have nev...